Thank you for checking us out! Whether you are just curious or looking for a home church we are excited at the prospect of you joining us for a service. You will find a welcoming people that come together to worship the Lord free of judgment. It is a safe place where all can come hang out in the presence of the Holy Spirit. God is doing great things among our people. Lives are being changed, people are being set free, and importantly, families are growing in their love for each other and their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We don't practice a religion, we are constantly developing a personal relationship with the Savior. I am truly excited each week to bring God's anointed Word to the people. If you would like to see what we are teaching here at Liberty Life Church, check out our sermons and bible studies that you can download free right off our website.
It's simply our goal to deliver the true message- the message delivered by Christ, Paul and the Apostles. As Paul put it plainly in Romans 8:2- the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. We are saved by grace through faith and anyone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and died for their sins can be saved. Anyone! It's a free gift that cost our Savior his life. But grace isn't about do's and don'ts- it's about realizing that Jesus paid it all. That his sin offering is complete. I put it like this- "It's really not about you! It's only about Jesus and what he did." You see you can't do anything to earn you a spot in his family, but you can believe in Jesus and you will become an heir of the King's. A son or a daughter with all the benefits and privileges of membership. All the promises God gave to Abraham and his seed belong to YOU!
Where we differ from most churches is that there are no requirements to membership except belief in Christ. The Bible is clear, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13. We don't qualify whosoever with whosoever is not divorced, whosoever is not a ________, whosoever is not LGBT can be saved. God did not qualify his whosoever and neither do we. We preach the Word of God. We go back to the Hebrew and Greek, we look at the context in which the scripture was written and we preach the inerrant Word of God. If the Bible says it, we believe it! We do not get caught up in judgment or condemnation, but rather relationship with Jesus and peace through the cross.
Simply put- God will do the correcting, we just do the directing. We follow the Holy Spirit and he leads us unto all understanding.
Come and join us! You will find a loving people that love the Lord and love each other! If you have any questions feel free to email Pastor Desiree at the contact page on this website or call the office. We can set up a meeting, a telephone call or an email exchange. Whatever works best for you! I would love to meet you in person. We truly hope you will join us at one of our services. I can assure you, that you will leave blessed!
In Christ's service,
Desiree Duke
Liberty Life Church's mission is to reach out and connect with people from all walks of life. Serve with a servant's heart, yet understand that we are no longer servants, but rather friends, daughters, and sons of God. Provide a safe and non-judgmental place of worship, as well as teach biblical principles to promote growth to enhance ones spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing. To offer Liberty to live for God in one's own walk without pressure of traditions and religious stigma's. Liberty Life Church (LLC) encourages diversity for we are all part of God's Kingdom and there is no separation of race, gender, age, or any other social divide that society has implemented. LLC is a GRACE BASED ministry, and with that said the mission is summed up simply put...to teach and preach the GOOD news of Jesus Christ through grace with no bondage of the law of man, but rather Christ fulfilled the law for us to connect with others through God's grace. This is a FAMILY oriented ministry for both nuclear families as well as those of an alternative life style. LLC is built upon four major cornerstones being FAMILY, SALVATION, STEWARDSHIP, and GIVING. By these cornerstones we are able to build on a firm foundation that establishes excellence and empowers an individual with the spirit of God to be the most effective person they can be for God, family, church, and community. For where the spirit of the Lord is, there is LIBERTY! This is a place "where you can be you"!
Our vision is to help individuals develop a close, personal relationship with God to impact our community, and the world, with the love of Christ through life-changing prayer, radical faith, and amazing grace.